Happy Holidays! Using Feng Shui to Ensure a Fabulous Festive Season 


They don’t call it the most wonderful time of the year for nothing – the festive period is held close in the hearts of  millions around the world. It’s the opportunity to spread cheer, swap gifts, and spend quality time with friends, family, and loved ones. 

With that said, sometimes the holidays can be filled with more stress than you can shake a candy cane at! Luckily Feng Shui can help to restore balance to the home, ensuring that it’s filled with peaceful and loving energy. Here are my top tips for ensuring your home remains a beacon of goodwill this 2023 holiday season:

1/ Location, Location, Location

Like most things in Feng Shui, the location of your tree is everything! In 2023, the best place to put your Christmas tree is in the North, East, South, or Center area of your living/family room. 

Avoid placing your tree in the Southeast, Southwest, or West this year as this will create conflicting energies that may lead to family arguments and tension.

2/ Don’t Forget to Accessorize! 

The color and type of  tree ornaments depend on the direction where you’ve placed your tree.

When your tree is located in the North of your home or of your living/family room:

  • Decorate with blues, silvers, golds, reds, and whites
  • Use blue, silver, gold, red, or white wrapping paper and ribbons for gifts placed under the tree

When your tree is in the East of your home or your living/family room:

  • Decorate with golds, whites, silvers, and blues (avoid anything red)
  • Include bells and tear-shaped ornaments, alongside anything that is shining and sparkling 
  • Place a sprig of mistletoe on the top of the tree
  • Use gold, white, silver, or blue wrapping paper and ribbons for gifts placed under the tree

When your tree is located in the South or Center area of your home or your living/family room:

  • Decorate with oranges, yellows, purples, rose, hot pinks, and golds
  • Include triangle-shaped decorations and fast-flashing twinkle lights
  • Use orange, yellow, purple, rose, hot pink, or gold wrapping paper and ribbons for gifts placed under the tree

3/ Decorate the Dinner Table

There are certain do’s and don’ts when it comes to setting your Christmas table. Firstly, make sure there are no spiky plants on or near the table, like succulents or cacti. Not only can spiky plants disrupt the positive energy in a room, you don’t want to risk your great-aunt Rose catching her hand on a cacti spike at the table!

Place pink candles on the table to encourage feelings of love amongst your guests. To encourage feelings of joy and happiness, use orange or peach candles instead.

Finally, to ensure a balance of energy, make sure that all five elements are present at the dining table. Have fresh flower arrangements to represent wood, ceramic platters or crystal glasses to represent earth, silverware to represent metal, candles to represent fire, and a beautiful carafe of water or a bottle of wine or champagne to represent water.

4/ Decorate the Front Door

Why keep the festive fun contained to just the inside when you can let your front door in on the action?

Keeping your entrance and pathway area well-lit is excellent Feng Shui, especially in the darker Winter months. Use this as an excuse to string up twinkly fairy lights around your door and windows. If you have any solar-powered lights outside, double-check to make sure they’re still in good working order. You can also invest in some LED candles and place them on the sills of street-facing windows – not only will they make your house look extra cozy, they’ll help add a little more illumination. 

No door is complete without a wreath this December. Pick up on that incorporates red and gold colors, or shiny or silky fabrics to attract abundance to your home. You can even buy a new, red-colored welcome mat for the holidays, but be sure to swap it back once the season is over. 

5/ The Christmas Declutter 

One of the first rules of Feng Shui is that it requires space for the positive energy to circulate. If you have too much clutter or closets bursting with forgotten toys, that can quickly cause the energy to become sluggish and stagnant. 

In the run up to Christmas, it’s a good idea to have everyone in the household go through their things and make a pile of items (anything from old toys, clothes, shoes, or books) that they no longer want. If the items are broken and beyond repair, dispose of them. If the items are still in good condition, donate them to a local charity or shelter. That way, not only are you creating more space, you’re also passing on a little Christmas cheer to someone in need. 

If you wanna get even more tips on how to Feng Shui Your Christmas and what gifts are the best for each Energy Number then grab a copy of my FREE Feng Shui For Christmas & New Year Ebook.

Happy Holidays!

Dame Marie Diamond

Your Feng Shui Master

Pick up your copy of my new global best-selling book “Feng Shui Your Life”

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Global Transformational Leader, world-renowned Feng Shui and Energy Master, motivational Speaker and International Bestselling Author.






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